Forum Replies Created

  • After realizing that our center had many ongoing studies on HPV the study investigators decided to create a working group solely focused on this topic. We have created a Facebook page for this group where we will promote all studies related to HPV vaccination, HPV related cancers, HPV related lesions, etc. We think it will be a good resource for the public to turn to if they are interested on the topic. A tip for social media is maintaining constant engagement. This is very important to maximize your page traffic. We did encounter an issue when first creating the page. Facebook didn’t recognize the page as legitimate. We think it’s because we didn’t have sufficient “friends” on the platform at the time. In this instance we didn’t need IRB approval to create the page but we do need approval to promote certain materials.

  • Vanessa Gomez

    August 29, 2020 at 12:09 am in reply to: Recording voices of stakeholders in the meetings

    I believe its always better to ask for consent. Recordings can be very valuable to reflect back on.

  • Vanessa Gomez

    August 29, 2020 at 12:06 am in reply to: Do CAB members ever receive monetary support or payment?

    Hello Marble,

    From my understanding CAB members are given money for their travel expenses. I do know that one of the CABs where I work have different activities such as dinners or get togethers in appreciation of the CAB members work.

  • These types of transitions are an opportunity to collaborate with other health service providers or organizations. Of course this depends on your study outcomes. For example, our study is geared towards screening algorithms and our outcome is the detection of cervical and/or anal lesions. We have found government based clinics that treat the types of lesions we will be detecting in our study. So, although the person’s participation with our study has come to an end, we can refer them to treatment with trusted professionals and help continue their health journey.

  • Thank you everybody, your responses are very insightful!

  • Vanessa Gomez

    August 14, 2020 at 7:20 pm in reply to: Protocol development in the time of COVID-19

    Hello Breane!

    Our study site is very interested in involving stakeholders in our development of COVID-19 safety procedures. We plan to create an online seminar for HIV caseworkers and clinical providers where we not only plan on introducing them to our study but also share how we plan to ensure participant safety during the pandemic. Our team includes a variety of health professionals (microbiologists, gynecologists, and epidemiologists) who will attend the online seminar as guest speakers and share what strategies/methods they have found useful or futile for the preventing the transmission of COVID-19 in their specific work settings. We hope this will prompt a productive discussion during the questions and answers portion of the seminar where we can all bounce ideas off each other. We would like this to lead to creating a working group specifically dedicated to organizing and implementing these strategies.

  • Greetings all,

    Regarding communication with stakeholders our clinical trial team has different groups that meet at different frequencies. Our study sites and sponsors meet quarterly to provide updates and next steps. We have also divided our team in separate cores in order to delegate the work load. Each core focuses on one area (administration, statistics, clinical aspects, and recruitment/retention). Our recruitment and retention group meets weekly. We are at the beginning stages of our study and are reaching out to stakeholders such as clinics, clinical providers, and community leaders that could aid us in identifying and reaching potential participants. We have been meeting monthly with these types of stakeholders. When our study picks up, I would like to meet more often. We have had challenges in scheduling meetings due to COVID-19 but are contemplating on creating a webinar where stakeholders can meet our team and hear our message.

  • Vanessa Gomez

    July 29, 2020 at 5:43 pm in reply to: Please introduce yourself here!

    Greetings everyone! I’m Vanessa Gomez from Puerto Rico. I’m epidemiologist and study coordinator for the Comprehensive Cancer Center from the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus. We are currently working on a clinical trial whose goal is to improve screening methods for cervical and anal HSIL among women and men living with HIV.

    I’m excited to be participating in this course with you all!

  • Vanessa Gomez

    July 29, 2020 at 5:43 pm in reply to: Engagement in the time COVID-19

    We are currently developing a social media page where we hope to present our study through the use of the platform and short videos but also communicate with the community through direct messages.

  • Vanessa Gomez

    August 14, 2020 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Disagreement with stakeholders on trial materials development

    Our team has found informal focus groups very useful in the creation of materials. Study materials evolve constantly and need to be checked numerous times.